
Working papers

Halpern, D. J., & Gureckis, T. Getting blood from a stone: Improving neural inferences without neural data.

Rudoler, J., Bruska, J., Chang, W., Dougherty, M., Katerman, B., Halpern, D. J., Diamond, N., & Kahana, M. Optimizing learning via real-time neural decoding.


Halpern, D. J., Lega, B. C., Gross, R. E., Wu, C., Sperling, M. R., Aronson, J. P., Jobst, B. C., & Kahana, M. J. (Accepted) Study-phase reinstatement

Nature Neuroscience

Sakon, J. J., Halpern, D. J., Schonhaut, D. R., Kahana, M. J. Human Hippocampal Ripples Signal Encoding of Episodic Memories. Journal of Neuroscience, 44 (8) e0111232023.


Halpern, D. J., Tubridy, S., Davachi, L., & Gureckis, T. M. (2023). Identifying causal subsequent memory effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (13) e2120288120.

Dougherty, M. R., Halpern, D. J., & Kahana, M. J. (2023). Forward and backward recall dynamics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49(11), 1752–1772.

Adrogue, R. T., Herz, N., Halpern, D. J., Tracy, J., & Kahana, M. J. (2023). Multi-trial free recall for evaluating memory. Neuropsychology, 38(1), 58–68.


van Baar, J. M., Halpern, D. J., & FeldmanHall, O. (2021). Intolerance of uncertainty modulates brain-to-brain synchrony during politically polarized perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(20), e2022491118.


Nussenbaum, K., Cohen, A. O., Davis, Z. J., Halpern, D. J., Gureckis, T. M., & Hartley, C. A. (2020). Causal information-seeking strategies change across childhood and adolescence. Cognitive Science, 44(9), e12888.


Tubridy, S., Halpern, D., Davachi, L. and Gureckis, T.M. (2018). A neurocognitive model for predicting the fate of individual memories. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI: Cognitive Science Society. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/7R3JP 

Halpern, D. and Rodriguez, P. (2018). Partisan Representations: Partisan Differences in Semantic Representations and their Role in Attitude Judgments. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI: Cognitive Science Society.

Halpern, D., Tubridy, S., Wang, H.Y., Gasser, C., Popp, P.J.O., Davachi, L., & Gureckis, T.M. (2018). Knowledge Tracing Using the Brain. Educational Data Mining 2018. Buffalo, NY. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/FMJ48

Rich, A.S., Popp, P.J.O., Halpern, D., Rothe, A., and Gureckis, T.M. (2018). Modeling second-language learning from a psychological perspective. Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA). New Orleans, LA. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/R93WC 


Halpern, D. and Gureckis, T.M. (2017). Information selection in categorization with stimulus uncertainty. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society


Gureckis, T.M., Martin, J., McDonnell, J., Rich, A.S., Markant, D., Coenen, A., Halpern, D., Hamrick, J.B., Chan, P. (2016) psiTurk: An open-source framework for conducting replicable behavioral experiments online. Behavioral Research Methods, 48 (3), 829-842. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-015-0642-8